The Home Depot - Olympic Stain

The Brief

The Home Depot and Olympic Stain needed to promote their line of all-weather stains and sealants. They had a massive, complex media plan, and needed a library shoot to fill it. We had to account for hundreds of deliverables, adjusting creative for several audiences and weather triggers. Massive library shoots like this have potential to be a bore. Our challenge? Make it beautiful.

The Oddly Satisfying Solve

There’s something oddly satisfying about staining a deck. It’s a lot of work, sure. But that before and after is worth it. And there’s beauty in the process too—the sights, the sounds, and the repetition. We leaned into an “oddly-satisfying” creative contruct, using ASMR audio, symmetrical scenes, and flatlays to make staining feel like an escape.

The Production

Olympic Stain piggybacked off of two other productions, all rolled into one massive shoot. We had to coordinate complex shooting schedules, fickle weather, and quick-drying stains to bring this work to life. In post, we worked with Tunewelders / MoTR, leveraging foley and VFX to really hit that “oddly satisfying” feel home.

Agency: Trade School | ACD Copywriter: Nathan Burns | ACD Art Director: Scott Hunt | Creative Director: Jenn Barclay| Producers: Pooja Pasari, Judith Hoffman | Director: Aaron Platt | SFX: Tunewelders / MoTR