You can find a how-to video on YouTube for just about anything, but they’re all pretty stodgy and prescriptive. And if you’re a fledgling DIYer like me, you’ve probably messed up mid-project too. That’s where How to Undo comes in.

The Home Depot wanted episodic content that embraced the messiness of being a new DIYer, and that delivered helpful how-to’s in a fun, easy-to-watch format. So the Trade School team worked with influencer Mike Montgomery from Modern Builds to create the show “How to Undo”—helping everyday folks undo common DIY mishaps.

The first season was a hit—so The Home Depot and Mike signed on for two more seasons, and that’s when I come in. We brought in a new creative and production team at Trade School to go even bigger with the new seasons. We pushed for more wacky sketch comedy, more complex fixes, and longer episodes. Then, we shot all 12 new episodes in just 11 days at Trade School studios. We brought in rolling pegboards, space suits, 12-foot-tall skeletons, and giant gummy bears—and we even dropped a piano from the rafters. The end result is a fast-paced, engaging, and gut-busting show that empowers new DIYers to roll up their sleeves and try something new. And if something goes wrong, no worries. We can undo it!

Agency: Trade School | Sr. Copywriter: Nathan Burns | Copywriter: Nicole Bennett | Creative Director: Jennifer Barclay | Sr. Producer: Pooja Pasari | Director: Dan Pederson


More episodes Coming Soon…